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If you are experiencing issues loading or working with ShopFields, either in the admin or on point of sale devices, there are a few steps you can take.

Initial trouble shooting:

  • Remove and re-add the tile on your point of sale device(s)
  • Open the admin to check the install has completed

Extension not available

If you are seeing an error message such as "Extension not available", it's likely that you need to update your Shopify POS app. New versions of the point of sale introduce new components, and can change how existing components and API's work. We aim to always support the latest stable version of Shopify's point of sale app and API's.

You can download this from:

error loading extension in Shopify POS example image

Error loading tile

If you are seeing an error message such as "Error loading tile" there are a few steps you can try:

  • Check your device's network activity, the extension may not be able to connect to the internet to load.
  • Remove and re-add the tile
  • Wait 5 - 10 minutes. In rare cases we have experienced temporary delays loading the tile when a major update to the extension is released. This will self-resolve. If the error lasts longer than this please reach out.

There's a problem loading this page

Some users have reported this error if the app permissions have not been fully approved. Uninstalling and re-installing the app will guide you through the permissions approval process. Your fields will persist even after the re-install.

Providing details for troubleshooting

If you are facing any further problems, there are a few details that can help us troubleshoot:

  • Your store name
  • The field(s) you are experiencing issues with

If experiencing issues on your device:

  • The device ID found in the point of sale settings
  • The Shopify POS App version